by JM(BringiLearning)


The COVID-19 pandemic that has forced countries worldwide into a lockdown, has driven us towards technology. In response, we are upgrading our technical skills to keep abreast of critical tasks. Whether it is communication, collaboration, or implementation, we are adapting to the new normal, with the help of apps and online platforms. And, while it is an achievement to enhance our online skills, we shouldn't undermine the significance of writing skills in our lives.

Technology has helped us scale incredible milestones, but more often than not, it serves as an enabler. Indeed, technology has helped make knowledge available and accessible in faster and cost-effective ways, but there are several things it cannot replace.  Consider the retention of learning, which has proven to be highest when children write down what they have learned. The fact that schools typically give homework and written assignments, is based on the fact that this action helps embed the written piece of knowledge in the student’s mind.

You will observe that quite some people today, despite having personal computers, will prefer taking down notes (even though they may computerize it later). The majority of healthcare practitioners, legal advisory, researchers, scientists, academicians, who still continue with writing down notes, testify to its benefits. When children write, they are driven to be more expressive, more creative, and especially, better at problem-solving.

Writing gets your grey cells to process the information, analyze it and synthesize it in your own way, which otherwise, is reduced to taking down notes verbatim if you type, or selective retention if you choose to listen, as a mode of learning. So, even if we are all ready to embrace the new normal facing us today, let us not give up on the timeless and proven practice of handwriting, that encourages our children to be more expressive, creative, and brighter!

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